whenwan.show News

I will occasionally post news and updates here related to whenwan.show here.

Websockets & similar products

February 14, 2025
Hey y'all, happy friday!

This week, I finally finished a feature that I have been trying to get working for almost a year:


Whenplane now uses a websocket for quicker updates to the main page, instead of polling (re-loading all data) every 5 seconds.
This uses less data (since the page's data is only re-fetched when something changes), and can also lead to faster updates.

There might be some issues with it though, because I haven't thoroughly tested it ye…

Date Filtering and more

January 17, 2025
Hello. I hope you had a good week.
Here are some of the changes I've made this week. As always, please
let me know if you have any suggestions, issues, or any other feedback.

Date Filtering in Search

You can now filter search results by date. You can set a before and/or after date to only show results from shows within the range you specify.

This is helpful if you know a general time range when something was said but can…

Better search results, LTTStore Watcher Improvements

January 3, 2025
Hey y'all, hope your 2025 is going well so far. Here is some stuff I worked on this past week.

Search: Transcripts are now chunked

The index for transcripts on
The WAN Show Search is now chunked. This means that if there are multiple results for a search within a show, it will show one for each result instead of only including one result per show. This makes it easier to find things in transcripts, as the snippet might not have displayed the part you were …

Minor fixes, performance improvements

December 27, 2024
Hello, I didn't do much this past week due to holidays and family meetings and such. Here is what I did do though:

Fixed quick product search opening when it shouldn't

There was an issue where the quick product search would open whenever you typed a P into the search. This was most annoying on mobile if you had auto-capitalization on.
This is now fixed, so the quick search shortcut will not work if you are typing something.

LTTStore watcher perform…

New extension features and more

December 20, 2024
Hello! I hope you had a great week!
Here are some new things I've added in the past week.

New Extension Features

I've released a few major features for the
extension this week.
I hope you find them useful!

Floatplane Live Status (and live counter)

Since Whenplane already tracks when LTT is streaming on Floatplane, including when they start and stop, it is possible for me to add a feature that Floatplan…

Extension update, format customization

December 13, 2024

This week was my finals week, meaning I'll start working on some bigger features that I didn't want to commit time to before my break. Here is what I got done this week.

Extension overhaul

Whenplane Extension has gotten an internal overhaul, which should make it easier to add more features in the future.

Along with this overhaul, it has a new feature that allows you to use The WAN Show Search from the o…

Search results are going places!

December 6, 2024
Hello again. I've been kinda busy with preparing for finals coming up, but I still did some stuff this week

Search results now go where they should

I have fixed
Search result links so that they will go to where they should.


Transcript search results will now go to the new transcripts page and will jump to the part that was shown in the result snippet. Each word on the transcrip…

WAN Show Search is even better!

November 22, 2024

New: WAN Show Search!

November 15, 2024

I have finally finished a new Whenplane feature that I am calling
The WAN Show Search.

Currently, you can only search through NoKiTimestamps/topics with it, but in the future, I hope to add more things you can search for, such as captions. I also might have search results there, including merch messages. When I add these more searchables, you will be able to toggle what you are searching (so you would be able to only search for t…

Small changes this week

November 9, 2024

Faster pages, thumbnail update time, and more!

November 1, 2024
Hello! Here are a few things I've changed/added this week, and a bonus rant at the end!

Improved caching (faster page loading!)

I have improved the service worker's local caching so that it doesn't remove everything whenever I push any change to the website. Now, it should better preserve files that have not changed, leading to fewer network requests and faster page loading.

Some completely static pages (such as the about, extension, and support pages) are now …

Hi. Also new features

October 25, 2024
Hello! It's been a while since I made a news post. Probably because I don't really like writing things like these.
Here's some features that I've added in the past few months:

Links to different pages on the main page

To make it easier for people to find some of the cool tools I've made on this site, I added a "more" button to the home page. None of the stuff there is new, but I wanted to make it easier to get to.

Merch Messages Index

Apparently I never ma…

Experimental WebSockets

May 24, 2024

FP Beta Update, Discord Reminder

April 19, 2024
I just wanted to make a quick news post to say that if you use the Floatplane Beta site, they pushed a change today that broke the extension.

I've already pushed an update to fix it, but you will probably have to manually check for updates.

If you do not use the beta site, it should continue to work as normal.

Discord Reminder

I also wanted to remind you that Whenplane has a Discord server no…

Discord, New FP Fetcher, Elijah notifications

April 12, 2024

Whenplane now has a discord!

Whenplane now has a
discord server. Theres not much there, but feel free to join it to ask questions or whatever. Or just tell me you like the site or something.

There is also a channel there that a message is sent whenever a livestream change is detected on Floatplane, which leads perfectly into the...

New Floatplane Detecter

Before this week, we used TheW…

Follow Elijah

February 23, 2024

LTT Time In Extension, Other Stream Notifications

February 16, 2024
Mostly a few minor changes I wanted to talk about this week.

LTT Time above Chat

I've added a new (optional) feature to the
extension that allows you to show the LTT Time at the top of the chat box.
It is turned off by default, but you can enable it in the extension's menu (which you can get to by clicking the wan icon in the extensions bar)

Other Stream…

Push Notifications, Topics in History, and more

February 2, 2024

Youtube Redirector, 'NaNs' issue fixed

January 12, 2024

The Extension now supports Twitch

December 22, 2023

Changes in the week of 12/22

Here are some of the things I changed this past week

The Whenplane Extension now supports Twitch!

It took more work than floatplane, and it might break if Twitch changes anything with the player, but it's here.
v1.1.0 is the version that adds support for Twitch. If you are on chrome, it might take longer for your browser to update as they have…

Whenplane is in an LTT video!

December 9, 2023