Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! The Queen is dead. God save the King, long may he reign. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Luke S | message | Thanks, Luke S! Going splitsys with my boy to save on shipping downunder, cant wait for the screwdriver! Quick question - looking for a Windows based handheld for emulating 6th gen consoles (PS2/Dreamcast/Gamecube) | Timestamp | ![]() |
Luke S | reply | Reply @Luke S! Depends on your budget, there are a ton of players in the space! The Ayaneo air is pretty nice though | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ben G | message | Thanks, Ben G! Have you ever looked into the Polk SDA speakers from the 80's? They use an “analog” way to expand the sound stage and give a surround sound effect with just two channel source. The results give a pretty | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ben G | reply | Reply @Ben G! That's very cool! | Timestamp | ![]() |
itssmeagol | message | Thanks, itssmeagol! We have to paint a room soon, and after hearing about the terrible paint job Dennis and Colton did... we need some Linus Paint Tips. Can you recommend the best brushes and paint rollers to use? | Timestamp | ![]() |
itssmeagol | reply | Reply @itssmeagol! I Hands are the best brush | Timestamp | ![]() |
Kyle R | message | Thanks, Kyle R! Have you guys seen the Flipper Zero, and are you interested in looking at more products/services for pentesters? Also, love the BellCam! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Kyle R | reply | Reply @Kyle R! We have a Flipper Zero! Stay tuned for potential coverage | Timestamp | ![]() |
James C | message | Thanks, James C! At laaaaast!! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Scott B | message | Thanks, Scott B! What's the revenue difference between consuming the WAN show and Techlinked on YouTube versus straight podcasts? I have never watched either on YouTube and want to be sure I'm still supporting the channel | Timestamp | ![]() |
Scott B | reply | Reply @Scott B! YouTube provides more ad revenue, but watch whatever way is easiest for you! We don't mind at all | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! m Given that companies have stopped shipping chargers with their phones. Why is the excessive paperwork never removed? Can't they transition to QR Codes that leads to those info instead? Any | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Lots of it is law/regulation since not everyone may have access to a device that can scan a QR code | Timestamp | |
Valérie P | message | Thanks, Valérie P! Joyeux anniversaire Emile! xxx ** P.S: we NEED Yvonne Craft Tips! | Timestamp | |
Jordan L | message | Thanks, Jordan L! &' Linus: During HW Unboxed controversy, you asked for someone from NVIDIA to privately tell you what caused it & said you would stay quiet if you got a decent answer. Did that happen? (just Y/N is fine) | Timestamp | |
Jordan L | reply | Reply @Jordan L! V" maybe | Timestamp | |
Jeff L | message | Thanks, Jeff L! Since you won't be making a case to store extra bit sets, can LTT tweet links to some good 3D print designs? Also can limited edition shirts that are sold out, like 'Trust me Bro', be available to backorder til end of | Timestamp | |
Jeff L | reply | Reply @Jeff L! The second part of your question would be a good idea you should send over to @NickLMG on Twitter! | Timestamp | |
Brett B | message | Thanks, Brett B! Thought I heard something about a backpack lite (like, a smaller version) a few shows ago, I know these things take time to discuss internally, but any updates on the possibility of such a product in the | Timestamp | |
Brett B | reply | Reply @Brett B! Smaller bag is extremely likely. No timelines at this point though | Timestamp | |
KC_king_collin | message | Thanks, KC_king_collin! Hey Linus and Luke, I really felt like Linux didn't get its best foot forward during the Linux challenge, any chance you'd consider giving it one more shot at some point in the future? | Timestamp | |
KC_king_collin | reply | Reply @KC_king_collin! There's a chance, but it is slim at the moment. Maybe in the future! | Timestamp | |
Kota L | message | Thanks, Kota L! I'm a cable technician. I know you have Fibre but a lot of us still use coax for internet. Have you thought about doing any videos on how the internet works through coax? I'll be using my ltt driver at work. | Timestamp | |
Kota L | reply | Reply @Kota L! Not a bad idea for TechQuickie! | Timestamp | |
Jackson L | message | Thanks, Jackson L! Will we ever see a button-activated drink spout top for the Water Bottle (like contigo or coleman, sometimes called autoseal)? I can't stand screw-top bottles, but I really want a LTT water bottle. | Timestamp | |
Jackson L | reply | Reply @Jackson L! That'd be an idea for @NickLMG on Twitter! Try pinging him during the week | Timestamp | |
Alex P | message | Thanks, Alex P! Keep up the great content guys. Can't wait for the new products and Labs content! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Did you know electrical transformers on poles, are basically Qi charging deep fryers? | Timestamp | |
Madmanmoe | message | Thanks, Madmanmoe! ‘.‘,.i.. Android user for over 15 years. Would you please help explain why ALL \‘ \&4 j Android internal compasses suck sooooo bad compared to iphone 1] compasses? | Timestamp | |
Madmanmoe | reply | Reply @Madmanmoe! I don't think there actually is a huge difference, but the default Apple app uses multiple sources to get the compass location including GPS and the cell towers | Timestamp | |
Andrew G | message | Thanks, Andrew G! You have spoken previously about hoping your employees don't feel the need for a union. Please consider that them joining a union can enable other people to hold their bosses to your standards! P.S: Keen | Timestamp | |
adam s | message | Thanks, adam s! Your video got me to buy one driver, Project Farm's got me to buy 3 more for gifts. Great move. Ever thought about expanding your field to other tools using your newfound experience? A portable soldering iron | Timestamp | |
adam s | reply | Reply @adam s! We're always considering new things..! | Timestamp | |
digidude512 | message | Thanks, digidude512! Global Shipping being the state it is right now is so painful. Got Backpack in the Air, Steam Deck about to Dispatch and Waiting for Screwdriver. RIP my F5 key. | Timestamp | |
Trey B | message | Thanks, Trey B! Hi guys, I've had my Antec PSU for 8 years and its still going far beyond all other parts that have been swapped out. When should I replace it? | Timestamp | |
Trey B | reply | Reply @Trey B! Never! When it dies, never use the PC again | Timestamp | |
Jerry S | message | Thanks, Jerry S! Hi guys, Data Center Operator here. Do you plan to expand infrastructure from LMG or Floatplane to more key data centers as you grow, and would you show on videos to bring more visibility to data | Timestamp | |
Jerry S | reply | Reply @Jerry S! It's possible! | Timestamp | |
Jonathan G | message | Thanks, Jonathan G! thank you ltt you've been such an inspiration for me. For my senior l “@H year in highschool we're making an antenna to communicate with the =4 ISS and most of the contribution I can bring is because of you guys. | Timestamp | |
Tyler E | message | Thanks, Tyler E! Would you ever check out the Flipper Zero on one of the channels. It's | Timestamp | |
David G | message | Thanks, David G! Waited for the Project Farm video. Grabbed the screwdriver. Any updates on the cable management plates/rings you keep almost spoiling? | Timestamp | |
David G | reply | Reply @David G! Not yet..! | Timestamp | |
Roderick W | message | Thanks, Roderick W! Thanks for the Driver, bits and effort to bring it to market. I'm wondering of there will be a restock of the Shop Jacket anytimes soon. Thanks. | Timestamp | |
Roderick W | reply | Reply @Roderick W! As soon as possible! Getting things shipped to us for restocks is really challenging right now | Timestamp | |
Alastair G | message | Thanks, Alastair G! My Dad's getting a new screwdriver for Christmas, thanks for the great content and products guys! | Timestamp | |
Aaron R | message | Thanks, Aaron R! Have you thought about doing a Folding@Home competition between l l “ izfl you and Jay, Steve, Paul, Kyle, etc? | Timestamp | |
Jack P | message | Thanks, Jack P! Love seeing the growth to the channel(s) and team. Have been watching since NCIX days. Been a while since I last bought anything, but I still lLove my OG WAN Hoodie. Hopefully the screwdriver lives up | Timestamp | |
Erik T | message | Thanks, Erik T! Save the cats! 4% | Timestamp | |
chip50 | message | Thanks, chip50! Watched ZFlip4 video Riley mentioned purses but what about a female take? Small pockets are a problem. I'm a guy and love mine. Half flip for Teams | Timestamp | |
chip50 | reply | Reply @chip50! I also like the Flip! I tried to tell Riley that it's a good form factor but he didn't get it :( | Timestamp | |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! Shoutout to all the fantastic hosts at LMG. Especially new blood like Dan and Plouffe really are great additions. Hiring dept is on fire. PS: Have you heard of PRTG network monitor? I use it at work and at home | Timestamp | |
Anthony D | message | Thanks, Anthony D! Thoughts on making a bit driver adaptor to use the LTT mini bits w/ a power drill? Would love to not lose bits to lack of magnet power in that application too. | Timestamp | |
Caleb F | message | Thanks, Caleb F! Have you considered producing a detailed guide regarding resources/tech tips on how to help keep kids/grandkids safe with internet-capable devices? Do you know of any well-made resources | Timestamp | |
Caleb F | reply | Reply @Caleb F! Not a bad idea! Try posting in the "Video Suggestions" section of our forum! | Timestamp | |
Austin E | message | Thanks, Austin E! I splurged for the backpack. Now I'm splurging for the screwdriver and all the bit sets. I may be an idiot for spending so much, but I'll be a cool idiot. | Timestamp | |
Kurzon M | message | Thanks, Kurzon M! A few years ago you said you thought Google/apple dont deserve such a large cut for hosting on their servers. FP means you are exactly in the same boat. given what you know of work, time, staff that goes into a | Timestamp | |
Edwin L | message | Thanks, Edwin L! Have to order an RGB hoodie for my wife after she stole mine. Have to order a water bottle for my son after he saw mine (Halo colors). Are thinking of making a smaller screwdriver for precision work? I like the | Timestamp | |
Edwin L | reply | Reply @Edwin L! Maybe some day! » | Timestamp | |
Nick C | message | Thanks, Nick C! Is there a reason why some LTT video intros are a white background while others are black? | Timestamp | |
Nick C | reply | Reply @Nick C! I'm not gonna spoil it, can you find the pattern? | Timestamp | |
Mitchell C | message | Thanks, Mitchell C! . Favorite YouTuber love your videos especially your intel tech upgrade and Linus home updates Does Linus dislike the ps5? | Timestamp | |
Mitchell C | reply | Reply @Mitchell C! Linus doesn't dislike the PS5... he dislikes all consoles | Timestamp | |
Jordan S | message | Thanks, Jordan S! P e ] I J Hey Linus will you try out ASUS 42" pled monitor | Timestamp | |
Scott M | message | Thanks, Scott M! @Linus If you were to start over and video creator was not a career option (not that it was when you started) what would you do? | Timestamp | |
Scott M | reply | Reply @Scott M! ) Professional badminton player | Timestamp | |
digidude512 | message | Thanks, digidude512! Now that Apple has seemingly retired the iPhone mini by not releasing one with the iPhone 14. How unlikely is it now for a decent higher-end small Android phone. (Smaller then Zenfone 9) | Timestamp | |
digidude512 | reply | Reply @digidude512! The Zenfone 9 is already pretty small... It'lL probably take a bit but I could see Samsung releasing a mini some day | Timestamp | |
Ben P | message | Thanks, Ben P! Lnukaml;l, I'rf on Ts!rI | Timestamp | |
Matthew S | message | Thanks, Matthew S! Long time watcher of LMG, first time buyer. I'm also a watcher of PF, and look for him to get data on many fluids, tools, etc. To say the least, I was ecstatic when you guys scored pretty well. I think you guys made | Timestamp | |
Rebecca T | message | Thanks, Rebecca T! > Hi mom I'm on tv!!! My first merch message! Broke my old bottle's II il spout lid by dropping it on concrete and it started leaking so I had to =1 order a new one. At least I can get a bigger size and a new color now | Timestamp | |
Nate C | message | Thanks, Nate C! Saw the CC edition screwdrivers from Linus's twitter & now REALLY want one of the colored ones. Any chance with enough community desire we can order them? id be willing to wait 4 custom production | Timestamp | |
Ben D | message | Thanks, Ben D! 1 What kind of numbers are the black shaft screwdrivers doing? Is the number surprising? | Timestamp | |
Ben D | reply | Reply @Ben D! Lots of people got the silver shaft after the LTT Screwdriver video release! | Timestamp | |
Elliot D | message | Thanks, Elliot D! Hey guys, been watching since 2012, im an electrician and ive had 2 klein ratcheting 14 in 1 screwdrivers fail on me. Time to switch. Would you consider making insulated screwdrivers? | Timestamp | |
Ettiot D | reply | Reply @Ettiot D! L)) feply ! e aybe some day! | Timestamp | |
Crisopher C | message | Thanks, Crisopher C! I decided to finally buy the screwdriver - was really tempted to click for a long time!! | Timestamp | |
Ryan F | message | Thanks, Ryan F! I watched two independent YouTube reviews and I was very impressed with the driver results. I can't wait to get my hands on it and try it myself. Can't wait to see what more you guys come up with. I can't wait | Timestamp | |
Justice K | message | Thanks, Justice K! Hi Guys. I run 2 PC's 1 Gaming, 1 Spare. Im curious what you'd suggest to " connect them without going over network. So I can use one to stream/record/render Is there a device that would make it easy? | Timestamp | |
Justice K | reply | Reply @Justice K! Use a capture card! | Timestamp | |
Matt H | message | Thanks, Matt H! Hi Linus, it's your mom. I've bought 50,000 screwdrivers so far and left merch messages on every one. When are you going to call me back? | Timestamp | |
Matt H | reply | Reply @Matt H! Dear Slim, I wrote you but still ain't callin’ | Timestamp | |
Gabriel C | message | Thanks, Gabriel C! Hello from Micron! I recently left my career as a mechanic to purse this job and an ME degree, thanks for keeping me clued into tech for all these years. Excited to get my screwdriver, can you say if they are | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! just received my steam deck! I've never delved into emulating old games...the first game I played as a kid was crash bandicoot on PS2,anysuggestions? | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! I LOVED the Sly Cooper games as a kid! If you like card based monster fighting games crossed with Monopoly, check out Culdcept on PS2! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Yo Luke (and Linus :troll:) acknowledge my European order ffs! Love you guys. And Sarah of course! | Timestamp | |
Alan S | message | Thanks, Alan S! Lhides We need more scrapyard wars fellas. :) keep up the good work and helping me ruin my productivity at work lol | Timestamp | |
Alan S | reply | Reply @Alan S! — I Y Another Scrapyard wars is likely never going to happen :( | Timestamp | |
Zane T | message | Thanks, Zane T! Have you thought of sending/selling a screwdriver to your fellow Canadian YouTuber AvE? | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Will there ever be lsomething like a screwbit holder possible? | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Hard to tell at the moment, but you can 3D print some good options! | Timestamp | |
Gruben59 | message | Thanks, Gruben59! | Timestamp | |
Gruben59 | message | Thanks, Gruben59! I caught an older LMG clip where Linus mentioned that he was going to support/donate to OBS, im just curious if they have | Timestamp | |
Gruben59 | reply | Reply @Gruben59! He did end up donating to a bunch of open source projects, but I don't know about 0BS specifically, but I believe so | Timestamp | |
Ghuze | message | Thanks, Ghuze! Backpack good. Thumbs up | Timestamp | |
Matthew M | message | Thanks, Matthew M! First purchase thanks guys for years of great content! | Timestamp | |
Scott P | message | Thanks, Scott P! Do you think the people at the USB standard place really wanted call it USB four twenty so subtly call it USB 4 version 2.0 | Timestamp | |
Scott P | reply | Reply @Scott P! B | Timestamp | |
Alfonso I | message | Thanks, Alfonso I! excited to get my LLT Screwdriver | Timestamp | |
Finn A | message | Thanks, Finn A! HYPED TO WAIT | Timestamp | |
Reuvin T | message | Thanks, Reuvin T! Hey first time live viewer, you guys are awesome. Just wanted to know Ilfl q should I go with a pre-built like Maingear and Origin or should I build =550 my own? | Timestamp | |
Reuvin T | reply | Reply @Reuvin T! If you can, build your own! It's not (that) hard. Plus we have a 3 hour long build guide | Timestamp | |
Nathan B | message | Thanks, Nathan B! Seasonic factory tour when. I've always loved their holiday ad spots and you seem to be having a measuring contest over PSU testers. We've all seen yours I think its time to see theirs | Timestamp | |
Nathan B | reply | Reply @Nathan B! I mean, that would be pretty cool » | Timestamp | |
Tony C | message | Thanks, Tony C! Loved hearing and seeing all the unique projects logistics get thrown, anything utilizing one the guys unique traits in a video in the future? | Timestamp | |
Tony C | reply | Reply @Tony C! I'm sure there'll be more with the Lab32 setup! | Timestamp | |
Jonathan P | message | Thanks, Jonathan P! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you equating coding as art. I've always thought of art as drawing, and it's been wonderful realizing that coding is just as creative an endeavor. Thank you! | Timestamp | |
Riley T | message | Thanks, Riley T! Long time viewer picking up a screwdriver for my cousin but only sorry I couldn't order sooner to get it in time for his birthday | Timestamp | |
Daniel G | message | Thanks, Daniel G! I fi Hey Linus, greetings from Argentina! I've started to listening to the | Timestamp | |
Daniel G | message | Thanks, Daniel G! Hey Linus, greetings from Argentina! I've started to listening to the WAN show since I moved alone when the pandemic started in 2020. Quick question: Any plans for an sports lid (or with a straw) for the 5 | Timestamp | |
Daniel G | reply | Reply @Daniel G! Yes, we have some alternate bottle lid designs in the workk, but it will take some tiem. - LS | Timestamp | |
Daniel G | reply | Reply @Daniel G! Potentially! Try pinging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! | Timestamp | |
Lachlan C | message | Thanks, Lachlan C! m Hey Guys! Linus will you be reviewing the AirPods Pro gen 2? lwork ina loud work shop environment each day and I'm interested in the 2x noise canceling claims to preserve my life! | Timestamp | |
Lachlan C | reply | Reply @Lachlan C! 3 oh definitely - LS | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! i&h"g‘- Why is dealing with google and their support always a nightmare, sorry Luke! | Timestamp | |
rOb3_ | message | Thanks, rOb3_! Can't wait to get this thing in hand! | Timestamp | |
Cedric L | message | Thanks, Cedric L! tm Linus, after 2 launches that went successful. Are you going to give a 2022 update in October after your 2020 update? | Timestamp | |
Cedric L | reply | Reply @Cedric L! We're considering it! | Timestamp | |
August M | message | Thanks, August M! Hey Linus, how about an LTT dash cam? | Timestamp | |
Justice K | message | Thanks, Justice K! Didn't have enough characters I wanted to say it's not just for recording the first computer but also for offloading renders it's important that id be able to transfer files. I'm curious if there is a way | Timestamp | |
Michael P | message | Thanks, Michael P! Can't wait for my LTT screwdriver, even more so after seeing the review from Project Farm. Overall it looks like the best screwdriver for the money. | Timestamp | |
Anthony B | message | Thanks, Anthony B! Can't believe how many ratchet screw driver reviews I've watched recently! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! yoooo are you supposed to use gentle wash with the sweats, mine decided that the back pocket zipper did not deserve to exist during my last wash. Also any plan to add the small pocket on the left side back | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Oof. Try reaching out to and I'm sure they can help you out! | Timestamp | |
Brandon H | message | Thanks, Brandon H! As a Software Developer, knowing someone appreciates that we do art is refreshing. Suggestions for some art: Search YT for any Pokemon Gen 1 Cries explained, MissingNo explained and see how | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I teach a games marketplace course at my local university and am allowed to put in some of my own topics in lectures. What would be an interesting topic you would want to discussed in a modern games | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! How to create engaging and profitable games with microtransactions | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I get a lot of my tools in black. The finish will wear, but I think it ads character.You said you want the driver to look as good in a year as it does new. Do like everything you own look pristine?, Are there some | Timestamp | |
mrdoctorcheese | message | Thanks, mrdoctorcheese! I'm a big "buy it for life" (or wear it till it breaks) advocate, so here's to many years of oddball jobs with this driver! | Timestamp | |
Jacob C | message | Thanks, Jacob C! I work as an equipment specialist in a Datacenter, so this Screwdriver ' will geta lot of use.:) | Timestamp | |
Owen M | message | Thanks, Owen M! Do you have any plans to make v neck shirts at some point? I need a ll"l qg way to show off my sing chest hair. | Timestamp | |
0wen M | reply | Reply @0wen M! It'll be a Plouffe themed shirt due to the popularity of his chest hair | Timestamp | |
Rhiannon K | message | Thanks, Rhiannon K! Hey Linus, super excited to be get the Screwdriver and backpack soon! Is there any update in terms of the steam deck switch emulation video? Super curious to see if Nintendo has responded to the video | Timestamp | |
Rhiannon K | reply | Reply @Rhiannon K! No response! | Timestamp | |
Domenick M | message | Thanks, Domenick M! Loved the last live stream pure gold. Here to support LMG to do my 1 ] part in keeping them around. | Timestamp | |
null | message | Thanks Coolshows101 | Timestamp | |
Caleb R | message | Thanks, Caleb R! I NEED to know how Yvonne keeps her shirts from getting holes in them?! You tweeted this and I started crying thinking of the cool shirts I have that are getting holes in them. Thanks Coolshows101 | Timestamp | |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Question about controllers: Now that we've seen Hall Effect sticks in things like the Steam Deck and Gulikit controller, what are the odds of them coming to Xbox/ Playstation controllers? Whether it's 1st party | Timestamp | |
Ryan S | reply | Reply @Ryan S! That'd make for a fire elite controller | Timestamp | |
Liam J | message | Thanks, Liam J! Hey Linus uhhhhhhh where be my shirts I ordered them on the 23rd of august and emailed support 3 times so uhhhhh yeah also I'm in canada pls curate | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Did you Tim Cook came and said to the verge he isn't implementing RCS '‘Our users aren't asking for it' and that you should ‘Buy your mom an iPhone’ | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Makes sense that the CEO of a company wants you to buy his product (but yeah maybe not the greatest response) | Timestamp | |
Kristen C | message | Thanks, Kristen C! I've loved every hoodie I've ordered so far so I had to try the shorts and sweat pants since I need new ones anyway. Any plans for women's cut shirts or other women's apparel? Sincerely one of the 5% female | Timestamp | |
Kristen C | reply | Reply @Kristen C! Coming soon! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! 3 Can we get an updated "How Linus makes money" vid just so I can see ll i}_!] balloon with two major product launches? :P | Timestamp | |
Britt B | message | Thanks, Britt B! Went to a friend's funeral @ 8 w/ 3 others before graduating HS. You mentioned Tyler last week. Sharing my exp has allowed me to help others. Would you share yours? What other books did he rec? Strange | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Been looking for a screwdriver for literally years. Youtube reviewers I trust says yours is actually great. Very excited to screw hard! | Timestamp | |
Carl H | message | Thanks, Carl H! &' once backpack and screwdriver are in stock, what about using fulfilled by Amazon to ensure people who have Prime to get better shipping prices (especially oversees) | Timestamp | |
Carl H | reply | Reply @Carl H! Potentially! | Timestamp | |
Christian D | message | Thanks, Christian D! Hey guys, long time viewer, first time shopper. Been watching since before the whole house water cooling days. Question; how did you manage to find a buyer for a house with a room loaded with copper | Timestamp | |
Bryan W | message | Thanks, Bryan W! Hi Linus, same as your editing team I'm also in the threadripper ecosystem. Due to my work, I need to use high core count CPU fora specific rendering workflow, as well as a beefy GPU. With AMD not | Timestamp | |
Bryan W | reply | Reply @Bryan W! There aren't a ton right now, tbh | Timestamp | |
Tyler S | message | Thanks, Tyler S! " Looking forward to my screwdriver and backpack, both wave Il. I'm also — one of the 10's that are awaiting the LTT Rack case. Any updates? e | Timestamp | |
Dan W | message | Thanks, Dan W! Search died with the USA 2016 election, and was dyeing beforehand. What alternatives are there that don't suck? DuckDuckGo isn't all that = good, nor QWant, Bing, Yandex, etc. Where is the old Google tech? Al | Timestamp | |
Roger N | message | Thanks, Roger N! & You were taking about video game art. Have you seen Micro Mages it's a NES game made in 2019 and they have a youtube video on how they compacted there game down to the limited hardware. Check it out! | Timestamp | |
Henrique S | message | Thanks, Henrique S! We need a good tip set, but Torx 5 and pentalobe on the same set, the specialty use is not the one I need for computer work. | Timestamp | |
Shadman H | message | Thanks, Shadman H! Hey guys! Super keen to get my hands on the screwdriver but even more keen to get my hands on the stealth desk pad. Any news on when that might become available? | Timestamp | |
Shadman H | reply | Reply @Shadman H! Soon..! | Timestamp | |
Perry W | message | Thanks, Perry W! Will you be reviewing Ryzen 7000 series before orders go live? I'm eying the 7700/7900 but I don't know if they'll be contained by mere air cooling which is a major deciding factor for me. | Timestamp | |
Perry W | reply | Reply @Perry W! @ Hogefully! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hello Linus and Luke, I'm getting an iPhone 14 pro max as a business phone. Do you guys think it worth carrying two phones or just using the second esim on the iPhone as a personal phone? | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Depends on how strict your business is! Two on one phone is likely enough for most minor positions, but if you have a higher security job, use two separate phones | Timestamp | |
Aneinymous | message | Thanks, Aneinymous! I have two questions Fiest, Linus and Luke both would you consides putting Floatpianc subscriptions available for purchase on LTT stare? Second, Linus, would you ever consider making wireless earbuds, | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! 1) Probably not 2) Maybe someday, but not any time soon | Timestamp | |
Leo P | message | Thanks, Leo P! Been watching you for several years. Keep up the good work. Nothing but love for LTT | Timestamp | |
Antonio M | reply | Reply @Antonio M! We don't know yet, but almost certainly! | Timestamp | |
JOSHUA G | message | Thanks, JOSHUA G! I'm interested in your opinions on older "top of the line" processors and when they're necessary to upgrade. For example I have an i9 9900k and get great performance at 1440p on all new games, but being | Timestamp | |
JOSHUA G | reply | Reply @JOSHUA G! That's a pretty good video idea! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! thanks for the many sizes of Desk Pad.. its so hard to find the proper sizes! | Timestamp | |
Tommy W | message | Thanks, Tommy W! Hi Linus and Luke! Have any advice for starting my own business that makes educational content? or just in general | Timestamp | |
Tommy W | reply | Reply @Tommy W! ) Keep at it! Be passionate! Advertise yourself even though it's hard! | Timestamp | |
Ricky C | message | Thanks, Ricky C! RGB all things! Does this give me more FPS in real life? | Timestamp | |
James S | message | Thanks, James S! I left a banana in my current 7 year old backpack. I do not recommend. | Timestamp | |
Jacob A | message | Thanks, Jacob A! Recently bought a screwdriver, so figured I'd also get a desk pad. | Timestamp | |
Lisa J | message | Thanks, Lisa J! Please reconsider making white desk pads. You are the only place around to make larger sizes than 36" in length that are great quality. Limited run even? Please, pretty please, change your mind! | Timestamp | |
Matthew L | message | Thanks, Matthew L! For your damaged bedroom floor have you thought about turning into an art project, like battle damage? (Just don't have Dennis to do the art). | Timestamp | |
James T | message | Thanks, James T! Which battery tech do you think will make the biggest difference should it come to market? | Timestamp | |
James T | reply | Reply @James T! Solid state batteries | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Can you do a short video of putting a meshlicious in your backpack and carrying it for a lan party? | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Engineer that appreciates your work and content. Can’t wait to use the screwdriver | Timestamp | |
Marc C | message | Thanks, Marc C! Hey! Long time listener on my commute to work - one of the videos that hooked me to your channel was when you went to D-Wave and did a deep dive into the quantum computer there, have there been any | Timestamp | |
Aron R | message | Thanks, Aron R! Got my shipping notification for my backpack today! Shoutout to the I creator warehouse! Does LTT have any plans to review the ASUS ROG Flow Z13? | Timestamp | |
Aron R | reply | Reply @Aron R! I don't think it's on our current radar, but maybe SC! | Timestamp | |
Carlos S | message | Thanks, Carlos S! Hey Linus your team makes IMO the best tech designs in the industry and I purchased all of them on Displate any chance of more designs coming? I would love to fill all my walls instead of the one thx | Timestamp | |
Carlos S | reply | Reply @Carlos S! 7‘ Maybe, but probably not aytime soon | Timestamp | |
Muhamad Khairi S | message | Thanks, Muhamad Khairi S! Shoutout from singapore. Love your Merch. any plans to have a distributor in ASIA. The shipping is killing us. | Timestamp | |
Muhamad Khairi S | reply | Reply @Muhamad Khairi S! Not in the near future | Timestamp | |
Nathan H | message | Thanks, Nathan H! Geerling's review sold me. | Timestamp | |
Lenny M | message | Thanks, Lenny M! Can't wait to try the screwdriver, excited to get my hands on one finally. Love the content! ;) | Timestamp | |
Zachary F | message | Thanks, Zachary F! I - . . Is Floatplane hiring? If so, could someone point me in the correct direction? | Timestamp | |
Zachary F | reply | Reply @Zachary F! | Timestamp | |
pcitalian | message | Thanks, pcitalian! Hi again! Hope all is well with you and Plouffe! Shout out to Luke, favorite non-LTT guest host! | Timestamp | |
Isaac L | message | Thanks, Isaac L! Hope y'all are doing well. I came for the tech tips, but stayed for the non-tech-tip advices. Thank you for being raw and genuine, for better or for worse. My question is, are you happy? PS: Alpaca pillow is | Timestamp | |
lsaac L | reply | Reply @lsaac L! Yes! | Timestamp | |
Robin O | message | Thanks, Robin O! Hello From Australia, Just asking is it worth upgrading from the AMD Risen 7 5800x to the Risen 9 5950 | Timestamp | |
Robin 0 | reply | Reply @Robin 0! Depending on your use case, maybe! It's definitely a solid CPU | Timestamp | |
Sanjeet M | message | Thanks, Sanjeet M! Would you consider the Apple Watch Ultra because of the amazing battery life. | Timestamp | |
Sanjeet M | reply | Reply @Sanjeet M! Maybe! Stay tuned for the eventual SC video! | Timestamp | |
Harrison S | message | Thanks, Harrison S! Glad it finally has come out | Timestamp | |
Noah F | message | Thanks, Noah F! Love the show and yall to | Timestamp | |
Jared M | message | Thanks, Jared M! Drive baby, drive. | Timestamp | |
Owlinsanity | message | Thanks, Owlinsanity! Premetaviley purchasing this now before Christmas. | Timestamp | |
Alexander C | message | Thanks, Alexander C! Insulated water bottle. Only from | Timestamp | |
Matt D | message | Thanks, Matt D! Are there plans for a storage/carrying case for the screwdriver and all the current/future bits? And just wanna say props to the entire LMG team for the work you guys are doing. | Timestamp | |
Andrew F | message | Thanks, Andrew F! Used all the tech tips to build my first PC this year and am using it to get my CEH. Any tips for that? I'm scheduled at the end of the month. | Timestamp | |
SoSpartan0 | message | Thanks, SoSpartan0! Linus, nl get random Amazon ads on other twitch streams I'm not subbed to, for tools and computer stuff, but on The WAN Show, I just get a repeating advertisement for one gay romance novel. It just keeps | Timestamp | |
SoSpartan0 | reply | Reply @SoSpartan0! ayo? | Timestamp | |
Bryan H | message | Thanks, Bryan H! Finally ordering my backpack, screwdriver, and water bottle all in one ' go! | Timestamp | |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Project Farm sealed the deal | Timestamp | |
Daniel C | message | Thanks, Daniel C! Had my son pick out the waterbottle style. He liked the same 3 as me! We went with the white. Been following since the unboxings in the park. Having a blast building computers with my kids. During the | Timestamp | |
Joshua L | message | Thanks, Joshua L! First LTT Store purchase is a good one! | Timestamp | |
Donald W | message | Thanks, Donald W! Any chance of a case for the screwdriver and bit sets? | Timestamp | |
Andrew T | message | Thanks, Andrew T! I am wanting a black screwdriver shaft. But I want to wait until I have the spare cash for it. How long will the black shaft be available for order? | Timestamp | |
Andrew T | reply | Reply @Andrew T! Not a suuuuper long time | Timestamp | |
Gerson L | message | Thanks, Gerson L! ll"‘ig Cheers from Brazil! | Timestamp | |
Kval R | message | Thanks, Kval R! Keep up the good work, and thanks for fueling my passion for tech! It somehow got me into Japan. On a side note, any tips for transitioning into the i0S ecosystem after 10+ years on Android? Feeling like a | Timestamp | |
Kval R | reply | Reply @Kval R! Yessss welcome to Team Apple! It's not very complicated, just watch some youtube videos on how to set up your phone the way yo like it and browse the App Store! | Timestamp | |
Tyler C | message | Thanks, Tyler C! What I0T/smart devices would you like to see enter the market. I'm really excited to see the pool setup with home assistant and have a coworker that runs home assistant in his sprinter camper doing | Timestamp | |
Justin E | message | Thanks, Justin E! Hey Linus, Long time fan since the NCIX days. I work in IT and was wondering if you had any interest in getting into reviewing enterprise IT equipment such as SANs and servers? It would be amazing for | Timestamp | |
Justin E | reply | Reply @Justin E! Maybe, but it's pretty specialized | Timestamp | |
David M | message | Thanks, David M! My birthday is Monday, so happy birthday to me. My backpack is supposed to get here Tuesday, can’t wait for it! | Timestamp | |
Justin S | message | Thanks, Justin S! My partner is obsessed. Planned a romantic trip to Canada, and his only agenda was to visit your office! | Timestamp | |
Parker T | message | Thanks, Parker T! Loved the screwdriver video and your attention to detail on the ltt screwdriver project! Working to get my CCNA cert and I'll be using this screwdriver when I'm working at geeksquad lol! Love watching you | Timestamp | |
Justin K | message | Thanks, Justin K! ! Hey Guys! Long time viewer! Just getting back into gaming and have been out of the loop, is my i7 3770k still enough for today? I was gifted w#_ =+ @a2080, do I have a bottle neck? Thanks guys! | Timestamp | |
Justin K | reply | Reply @Justin K! Pretty solid pairing to start. If you run into stuttering it's likely a CPU bottleneck so you can evaluate at that time -LS | Timestamp | |
Travis H | message | Thanks, Travis H! I really want a $7000 garbage bag with no straps, but I guess I will have to settle for this LTT backpack. | Timestamp | |